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Lammas Park, Wraysbury Road, Staines on Thames, TW18 4XZ


  • Male and Female - 8+ years

  • Caters for all levels of paddlers

  • Thursday Club night

  • BCU award courses and trips away


SPELTHORNE KAYAK AND CANOE CLUB ... ... ... 07919 561712



Thameside, Laleham, Staines upon Thames, TW18 1SS  ...   Littleton Lake   ...   Sunbury Leisure Centre


  • Male and Female - 6 - 60+ years

  • Award winning accredited Club

  • Specialises in transferring skills across disciplines

  • 14 - 25 years - Canoe polo Satellite Club and Heathrow Star Leader

  • Winter Littleton Fun Blub - Tuesday 2.00pm - 4.00pm

  • Family and youth - Wednesday 6.30pm - 8.30pm

  • Sunbury Leisure Centre - Saturday 6.30pm - 7.30pm


SURREY CANOE CLUB ... ... ... 0208 399 1858

Errors and omissions excepted - March 2019.  It is endeavoured to keep this website updated, although on occasions it may not reflect all the information and guidance on local amenities and services.  In this case, it would be highly acceptable for visitors to suggest additions and/or amendments to the site that might enable it to be updated and to become a reliable and credible source of information.  


                                                                     This is not a commercial website   ...   it is purely a local Directory.



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  -  Smooth Guide to Handy Household Hints     ...   ...   ...   ...

  -  Smooth Guide to Black and White Photography       ...   ... 

  -  Smooth Guide to the Kenya Coast   ...   ...    ...   ...   ...   ...

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  -  Smooth Guide to Internet Fundamentals      ...   ...   ...    ...

  -  English Language Tips     ...   ...   ...   ...   ...  ...   ...   ...   ... 

  -  Hafidh's Safaris    .   ...   ...   ...  ...  ...    ...   ...   ...    ...   ...



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